Lego Borderlands: Outrunner


Completed in 2020, the Borderlands Outrunner model measures 15 inches long and consists of 2,540 pieces.

My third original Lego model, the Outrunner was a sci-fi vehicle design that I always found extremely fun. When Borderlands 3 announced a released date, I figured it was a good time to finally try building it in Lego form. While I had initially hoped to finish it up in time for the release of the new game, the project ended up taking way longer than I expected, as I reworked it multiple times to get the aesthetic, structure and color scheme into an ideal place. After originally starting on it in April 2019, I finally called it complete in the summer of 2020.

The model is intended for display purposes and as such the wheels are locked to provide more structural stability. The turret fully rotates 360 degrees, replicating its in-game functionality. While the model is strong enough to support its own weight, a base can be attached to the underneath to provide additional support for long-term display.

Additional Photos

2D Render


Full instructions for this model are available on the instructions page.

Instruction Page

The Outrunner can currently be built in any of the color schemes rendered below. (Unfortunately the tan colors used in my model requires some pieces to be painted)

Instructions for four base colors are available, and parts lists for all renders shown can be downloaded.